SPIEL'22 | Aussteller in den Hallen 4, 5 und 6
Die SPIEL'22 findet vom 5.10. bis zum 9.10.2022 statt. Hier findest du die Aussteller in den Hallen 4, 5 und 6. Wie alle Hallen sind diese sicherlich einen Besuch wert!
Halle 4
2Tomatoes / Black Box Adventures (4I116)
Adventure Planning Service (4D102)
Agie Games (4D101)
APE Games / Luminary Games / Mighty Boards / Ostia Spiele (4G116)
Awaken Realms (4F123)
Baer, Martin (4A106)
Bannan Games (4F124)
Bead Game / MediAwake (4A100)
Bellows Intent (4E123)
Bluencore (4F101)
Board Game Box (4B125)
BomBasta Spiele (4G105)
Broadway Toys / For Small Light / Pandasaurus Games (4D110)
Burger Mathematics (4G100)
DiceTree Games (4B101)
Double Combo Games (4E107)
EmporerS4 Games (4F100)
Fantasia Games (4F110)
FlexiQ (4I112)
Funko Games (4A120 u. 4A122)
Fyrnwest Games (4D121)
GGame (4I120)
Gaia Games / Helvetiq (4C108)
Game4u2 (4C100)
GDM Games / Mont Taber (4I122)
Genius Games (4B105)
Group SNE (4D102)
Happy Baobab (4D109)
Helvetiq (4A102)
Hobby Japan (4F105)
Homosapiens Lab (4G112 u. 4G113)
Jeux Opla (4D123)
Jolly Thinkers (4G103 u. 4G106)
Korea Boardgames (4D119)
LudiCreations (4D111)
Magic Beangames (4I120)
Mandoo Games (4A107)
microphant (4I107)
Mithril Mountain (4G117)
Moaideas Game Design (4D103)
Mundi (4I109)
Norsker Games (4I105)
Oh Woman (4C106)
Origame (4F103)
Peacock Tabletops (4A110)
Planet A (4C102)
Play for the Future (4C105)
Plotmaker Games (4I103)
Pythagoras (4E124)
queckeVerlag (4F119)
RC Games (4E101)
Realms Distribution (4F123)
Red Mojo Games (4F121)
Salt & Pepper Games (4I116)
Skytear Games (4H106)
Spielköpfe (4C106)
Sunny Games (4C107)
Sunrise Tornado (4G108)
Sylex (4F104)
systainchange /polyspektiv (4C103)
T-Tower Games (4B100)
Taiwan Boardgame Design (4G112 u. 4G113)
UBG- Unique Board Games (4E110)
Wigger Aviation Consulting (4E111)
Wonderbow Games (4A104)
Wonderful World Boardgames (4G112 u. 4G113)
Halle 5
3DARTLAB (5A124)
Aegir Games (5I102)
alKhwarizmi Games (5J127)
ALBI (5A108)
All Or None Games (5I100)
Alley Cat Games (5D105)
Atomo Games (5C112)
Bead Game / MediAwake (5A130)
Belfort UG (5I128)
Black Box Adventures / 2 Tomatoes (5D106)
Boardgame Viet Nam (5L109)
Bright Eye Games (5H111)
Buro Games (5D124)
BYR Games (5G132)
Capital Gains Studio (5G122)
Castillo Games (5I122)
Cogitate Games (5A101)
Cosmoludo (5A118)
Cranio Creations (5A105)
Creative Minds Kamies Schwaderlapp (5E111)
Cwali (5I114)
Dark Omen (5H119)
Débacle Jeux (5D122)
Delicious Games (5G124)
Deme (5J106)
Detestable Games / Draco Studios / Board Zeppelin (5A101)
Detoa (5H121)
Distrix Games (5J126)
doit games (5C125)
Doppeldenkspiele (5L112)
Draco Studios / River Horse Ltd. (5A101)
Dranda Games (5F103)
Draw Lab Entertainment (5H116)
Ediciones Primigenio (5H107)
Éditions Pileo (5K109)
EFKO - karton (5E110)
Engro Games (5I113)
Eurohell Design (5I120)
Everything Epic (5H120)
Explor8 (5E119)
Farside Games (5A101)
Formula Games (5C109)
Fractal Juegos (5J122)
Funtails (5G104)
Game Brewer (5A121)
Game Forlag (5I103)
Games by Lyck (5I100)
Gen X Games (5D124)
Genesis Studio (5L107)
Godot Games (5D118)
Grand Gamers Guild (5H114)
Granna (5D126)
H-Town Games (5I107)
Hegemonic Project Games (5E130)
Hodari Spiele (5J103)
Holy Grail Games (5A107)
Hualien Nouli Community Interchange Association (5K124)
ICE Makes (5H112)
Igiari (5I108)
Imperial Publishing (5I123)
Infinite Games (5L118)
inPatience (5I104)
Inside Up Games (5H108)
Jester Games (5J105)
Julibert Games (5L111)
Kampfhummel Spiele (5A100)
Keen Bean Studio (5C100)
Keep Exploring Games (5A109)
Les Tontons Joueurs (5J124)
Looping Games (5C119)
Lucky Duck Games / Cardboard Alchemy / Druid City Games / Gigamic (5D115)
Lucrum Games (5J110)
Ludopolis (5A112)
Ludum Effugium (5I116)
Majlis Shahab (5J108)
Mandoo Games (5B127)
Mayday Games (5I123)
Megacorpin Games (5A101)
Mercat Games Singapore Boardgame Design (5G122)
Merry Marble Trees (5J107)
Mesas Para Juegos (5J109)
Mondainai (5J111)
Mozaic Games (5J129)
Nanjian Games (5L104)
Need Games (5L128)
Neowulf Games (5J115)
Net Zero Game (5J117)
Nice Game Publishing (5E122)
Nomnivore Games (5J119)
Oink Games (5G114)
Ornament Games (5J123)
Oxxu (5J125)
Pektis Studio (5K126)
Pick 'N' Roll Games Lab (5I113)
PIFgames (5L130)
Play With Us Design (5L103)
Poncho Games (5A101)
Ponva (5H132)
Poptalks (5K120)
Pundit Games (5L119)
Rätselraum Ruhrpott (5K116)
Red Glove (5A111)
ROOVI (5H123)
Rudy Games (5E101)
Rulefactory (5L116)
Seajay Games (5G112)
Second Gate Games (5D100)
Skyport Games (5I106)
Spieltrieb (5I121)
Steeped Games (5D112)
Taitung County Government (5K124)
Taverna Ludica Games (5A101)
TCG Factory (5K106)
Tembo Studio (5K111)
The Game Builders (5K104)
The Last Gameboard (5K102)
Three Crown Games (5H125)
Trefl (5D117)
tretre games (5L129)
Turquoise (5K123)
We Love Games (5K119)
Yoka by Tsume (5E100)
Halle 6
AK Interactive (6C115)
Alles für den Helden / Post Scriptum (6G105)
AM Games, Mazzi Games (6F113)
Battle Systems (6C103)
Bead Game / MediAwake (6E123)
Corvus Belli (6E110)
Creative Games Studio (6J109)
Critical Kit (6C122)
DMZ Games (6G115)
Free League Publishing (6K115)
Freebooter Miniatures (6C100)
Gale Force Nine (6C116)
Glitzerimperium (6F102)
Hunter & Friends / Fantasy Flight Games (6J105)
Imprintium (6F102)
Intrafin Games (6C106)
Ion Game Design / Sierra Madre Games (6D107)
Kilogames LLC (6E108)
Loke Battle Mats (6I119)
Mana Project Studio (6K106)
Mottokrosh Machinations (6J113)
Mücke Spiele (6K118)
Nerdlab Games (6F117)
OstiaSpiele (6H102)
PDVerlag (6H118)
Ply Games (6G119)
Rebellion Unplugged (6K121)
ReRoll Works (6K108)
Rockerl Games (6E106)
SiOCAST (6K119)
Spielworxx / AMuseMent / New Mill Industries (6H102)
Stratagemma (6K106)
Thors Kliff / Zett Grafikdesign (6F105)
Tin Hat Games (6F115)
Viktor Ahrens Gesellschaftsspiele (6J114)
Wise Wizard Games (6C110)
WizKids Games (6E107)
Woodpecker Games (6K123)
Yvis Nerd And Geek World (6G110)